A remarkable self healing experience inspired me to share with the world the true wonders and joys of Alkaline Herbs And Recipes.
The Process Starts Now
Alkaline Herbs And Recipes has the experience, knowledge , tools, passion and information to help you successfully transition into an healthy alkaline lifestyle. Using and applying all Dr. Sebi approved alkaline principles.
The Standard Western Diet is a diet that many people have been trained to eat since birth. This Western diet that we Americans have been trained to follow, is one of the many reasons, Americans have some of the highest preventable disease and sickness rates in the world. Americans adaptation of the food pyramid calls for. 6 to 11 servings of breads 3 to 5 servings of vegetables, 2 to 3 servings of cheese and milk, along with 2 to 3 servings of meat poultry or fish and fatty oils a day. Well...here what we in the alkaline lifestyle know.
The foods and drinks that are consumed in the Standard Western Diet can be categorized as highly Acidic. These foods along with other GMO agents are consider too cause mucus to form and began to build up in the body. Mucus builds up in the body and over a long period of time. Begins to break down the body and the body internally becomes ACIDIC. When the human body is constantly in an acidic state. Sickness and disease can and will thrive in the body. Our goal is to drive out all mucus and inflammation by fasting for as long possible then reintroducing alkaline foods and herbs into the body.
Thus, ridding the body of mucus, inflammation, sickness and other ailments.
By kicking mucus accumulation which ultimately compromises the bodies electrical state. Wonderful things like weight-loss begins bloating stops. Acne clears glowing of skin happens. Internal and external healing and mental clarity is another important factor. If you feel tired, sluggish, sick or you just need a spiritual reboot than this program is for you. herbs for health sea moss health benefits
Details benefits and ways to embark on fasting according to Dr. Sebi
Book your personal 1 on 1 alkaline health guidance consultation now. $50.00 a hour so I can set up your new alkaline lifestyle.
Soursop Leaves can be purchased at www.alkalineherbsandrecipes.com Benefits of Soursop Leaves BOOSTS IMMUNITY Protecting the immune system is one of the most important components of a healthy diet and fitness regime. Adding a bit of soursop fruit to your diet, either through refreshing beverages or desserts, can positively impact your overall health. It's rich in Vitamin C which stimulates the production of white blood cells.
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